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Last Visit to the Dome?

Silver Lake
Siren, Wisconsin
August 22-24, 2019

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Uncle Greg and Aunt Sandy say they want out of the cabin, and they can't come to terms on a price with the other two siblings who want to stay in -- Jeff & Joann, Daphne & Bill. So, it looks like they may wind up selling the old place and moving on to resolve it.

If that happens, it will be the end of an era for our kids. They'll have memories (and Brokencookie pages) of good times playing King of the Raft, diving to find Lone Rock, cooking s'mores on a bonfire, playing Dutch Blitz in the screen porch, fishing for lake fish, and warm North Woods evenings star gazing.

Hopefully, we'll discover other good places on AirBnB in the area, but it will never be quite the same as the old family place that Jen's grandfather built.