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Freeway Fire

The 710
April 26, 2015

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Joel & Cailyn visited us and invited us to come on out to Hollywood to help pour wine at Musexpo. We said we would, even though I had to catch a flight to Singapore later that evening. But a huge fire blocked both directions of the 710 just a mile ahead of us -- a tanker truck had flipped and exploded, we later learned. At one point, the radio told us we could be stuck on the freeway for 4 hours or more, which could have had me missing my flight. But lucky for us, the CHP and Caltrans popped open a hole in the barrier and allowed us all, one at a time to cross over and head south. We were close enough to the fortunate spot to be out of there within an hour or so; some other folks way back in the line looked like they might be there a lot longer.