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Stresa, Italy
September 15-16, 1989

< < Amsterdam | Oktoberfest > >

"An unplanned beeline south. We hadn't seen much of the sun since L.A. and I guess we figured, What the hell-- this is supposed to be a honeymoon, isn't it. So we abandoned plans to see Scandanavia & caught a night train towards the Meditteranean."

But before we got there, sometime around breakfast, we spotted Lago Maggiorre. Let's jump off here, we decided. But before we could grab our packs and make it to the door, the train was on its way south again. We got off at the next stop, and waited for the next train heading north. We were settled by lunchtime, and by early afternoon we were making ourselves comfortable on an abandoned porch overlooking the lake, drinking cheap Chianti out of metal Sierra cups.